Awesome Toy Collection – Disney 7″ Indiana Jones

Two of my good friends went for a holiday in the US earlier this month, and since they mentioned that they were going to visit Disneyland, I asked if they could help me look out for any of the Disney-licensed Indiana Jones items. My friends have returned, and they have gotten for me this awesome figure: The Disney 7″ Indiana Jones !
Being an Indiana Jones fan, I am always on the lookout for rare or hard-to-find Indy items. So, it is a real treat for me to be able to collect this Indiana Jones figure, since I think it cannot be found in Singapore, and I don’t think that I would be visiting Disneyland anytime soon. I am very happy to have received this figure, and I’m very grateful to my friends for having brought it all the way back from the US.
 Just in case you were wondering about the relative sizes
of the 3 3/4″ Hasbro Indy, and the 7″ Disney Indy.