Custom MCU Figure – Jacques “Jack” Duquesne (“Hawkeye”)

Hello world! Here’s adding one more custom inspired by the “Hawkeye” TV series – the swordsman himself Jacques “Jack” Duquesne :

Jacques “Jack” Duquesne is a wealthy socialite who had recently become engaged to Eleanor Bishop, Kate Bishop’s mom. Having been born to a wealthy family, Duquesne had, in his own words “never worked a day” in his life. Duquesne has a fascination with swords, accumulating a large collection of them as well as training with them and becoming a talented swordsman. Shortly after Duquesne met Kate Bishop, Bishop suspected Duquesne of involvement in his uncle’s murder, and she attempted to prove it by stabbing his face during a fencing duel. But Duquesne skillfully parried away her sword without even looking. Sometime later, Duquesne found himself arrested by the NYPD, supposedly for money laundering. Duquesne claimed that he was framed, and he was soon released on bail. Duquesne proceeded to attend the Bishop Christmas Party, with him for some reason deciding to bring his sword along. This proved to be wise as the party came under attack by the Tracksuit Mafia, and Duquesne enthusiastically drew his sword and joined in the battle to fight off the thugs.

Head – G.I. Joe Recondo
Neck – Monkey Man from “Raiders of the Lost Ark”
Rest of the Body – Fortnite Wild Card Diamond
Sword, belt with scabbard – G.I. Joe Destro

An opportunity to purchase a loose Recondo head came up, who bears a close resemblance to the onscreen Jack Duquesne. After figuring out that I can obtain the required parts, it was a go-ahead for the custom. The original neck was too large to fit the head, so it was removed and replaced with a neck from a spare custom fodder torso. The waist was slightly trimmed so that the belt could fit around it. Yeah, the MCU version of Swordsman is significantly different compared to that of Comic Book Swordsman, in this case the character’s superhero/supervillain storyline and his role as Hawkeye’s mentor were not used for the TV series. So it’s either a yea or nay, depending on how ardent a comic book purist you are.

Kate Bishop apologises to Jack for her mom having him put in jail.